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Time Stands Still | USC Football

It’s that amazing part of the summer.  The pads have come out of their shiny new boxes and the players and coaches are anticipating all things championship.  Nothing else matters.  The hitting is about to begin and new faces will emerge who just a few months ago were throwing their tassels in the air with their hats from graduation.

No it’s not time for Autumn Leaves and the late great Al Davis sayings but it’s getting close.  Just got my tickets for Stanford and Texas and I cannot wait for all those what-ifs to become “Oh My” what did I just see?  Did that really happen?  Is he really suppose to still be a senior in high school?  This is what it’s all about this is where the dreams begin.  How they will end and how it all plays out will be on the field of battle and all the coaching in the world won’t make a difference if the players don’t leave it on the field.

Inspiration summer time thats where are right here right now.  Fans from all over the country and the world are thinking about what if.  Will this team be the team that everyone will remember for how they rose from low expectations and conquered their demons?  Time always tells the story in the end and we anticipate and hope for the best.  There’s no middle in playing for top spot.  Finishing second is worse than finishing last.  Get out early or play till you have nothing left to fight for and everything you can worked so hard to get to this place at this time and finish.

The 2018 USC Trojans are loaded with talent.  They have good coaches.  Trust is building and the bond that turns stars in to teams is slowly but surely maturing.  Time is not your friend, Trojans.  You have to fight through tough injuries.  Build the character that plays hard for sixty minutes and doesn’t look over it’s shoulder wondering where the other team is.  For if you do you will find them in the end zone because you let them in.  Your house.  Your time.  No regrets in 2018.

When the playoffs begin only father time will know of sure that time did not stand still while friends and family wonder what happened.  Each week with each game you play the championship.  Practicing hard means playing hard and time will be your friend as when you are in that frame of mind it truly will stand still in your path that you blazed to the ultimate prize.

Fight On


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