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USC Football | The politics of the game

USC football has been a cornerstone of the American college football game for decades. The politics of the game have also been a part of the program as they stand out not only as a powerhouse in the sport but an iconic institution of academics as a private university. The football program was always thought of as a privileged team by the association to all the funds that flowed through the halls of the administration. Early on, the formation of the Pacific Conference allowed USC to attach itself to a developing conference and league. As a private institution, this may have been a mistake as they had the funds and they were developing a powerful brand that could have been the independent power on the west coast similar to what Notre Dame was doing in the east

In those early years, it was decided to be a part of the conference and the conference developed itself well over time. But you have to ask what-if? What-if the Trojans had said no. What if the Trojans went that independant path to their destiny. Imagine a schedule that they put together every season. The ability to go anywhere anytime to play the best in the east as well as the west. We will never know due to the obvious.

The PAC-12 conference has to be one of the most political hot beads in the world of college sports. They have a leader in Larry Scott who survives on the politics of the game rather the investment strategy he so covets and should be measured against. He has ruined the current and near term economics of the conference and hence my story here unfolding with the choices that the leadership chose to set their path way back when. The politics of the game won’t go away that we know. The strnglehold that Larry Scott has is endorsed by the current administration of the USC Leadership. The one wild card is newly hired AD Mike Bohn. Bohn has dropped several hints that the school is getting impatient with the leadership and direction of the conference. Havent seen this from anyone at USC publicly as we have recently from Bohn. He appears to be a breath of fresh air but will we see true movement and will USC use the politics of the game against the very leadership of the conference that cannot survive without its gem?

Fight On


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